Privacy Policy


The Islington Society is committed to protecting the personal information you provide. This is strictly limited to the information required to provide the Society’s services and is not shared with any other person or body for any other purpose.

We collect personal data when you join the Society. This is limited to your name, address, telephone number, email address and payment details. If during membership you ask us to change any of this information we will hold the new details in place of the existing data.

We hold members’ personal data for the following purposes, and for no other purpose:

  • To keep a record of our members’ subscriptions and donations (if applicable);
  • To send our regular newsletters by mail to all members;
  • To inform members about events and activities;
  • To be sure that our records are up to date.

We do not share information with other members, other charities or amenity societies, or with businesses except specifically in order to fulfil the functions listed above. We do not distribute
information about the activities of other organisations except where these are directly relevant to the aims of the Islington Society.

You can request to see, amend or delete the personal data we hold about you by application to the membership secretary. However, if you ask us to delete your personal data we may not be able to
provide you with all the benefits of membership.

We take care to protect your information. Membership records are held and maintained exclusively by the membership secretary and shared with other officers of the Society purely for back up

If you ask us to delete your records, resign, or if your subscription remains unpaid for a reasonable period after it has become due, we shall remove you from the membership list.

We keep historical membership records as long as required to comply with statutory requirements.

May 2018